Interesting Romeo and Juliet essay topics

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The play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare is as much pop culture as any modern successful blockbuster you can think of, even though it was written centuries ago. It has been performed, rewritten, reimagined, and discussed countless times, and that still doesn’t stop teachers from asking their students to write essays about it. The good news, however, is that you can never run out of essay topics to talk about when it comes to Romeo and Juliet.

This Shakespearean classic is part of many curricula in many countries, and many literature classes designate it as a must-read. In this topic, we shall explore the different types of essays you might want to write about the topic, as well multiple suggestions of each type.

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Why is this list useful?

Considering how popular the Romeo and Juliet story is, it’s no surprise that students are often asked to write an essay on it. While there are tons of topics you could write about on this particular story, students who are just coming across it for the first time can understandably feel overwhelmed and more than a little anxious.

This list is meant to trigger your creative juices and spur them into action. You don’t have to write exactly about any particular Romeo and Juliet essay prompt, but they can help you discover interesting things that you might enjoy writing. Moreover, you can also pick a topic on the list and just start writing. Many of these topics are about looking at the story from a different angle, and gleaning insights that others might not have noticed before. Take your time to go through it and find what resonates with you most. You never know, you might stumble upon a new face of Shakespeare no one has seen before!

How to use these topics and ideas

The topics and ideas are organized into general essay types. The types give you an idea of what angle the topics are taking. After that, there are individual Romeo and Juliet essay questions and statements touching on a specific aspect of the story that you might want to explore. You can go through them and find one you like, then do further research on the topic to inform your essay. In case you still feel overwhelmed in the end, you can pick any of the Romeo and Juliet essay topics and commission our skilled and experienced writers to produce a world-class essay for you.

And now, without further ado, here are the essay questions!

Argumentative Essays
Argumentative essays are about expressing your opinions. While everyone is entitled to their opinions, it is important that you explore yours and express them clearly. This helps you discover which opinions you can back up and which ones you can’t. With Romeo and Juliet, there is no shortage of opinions on different aspects of the story, and so there are countless argumentative essays you can write.

  1. Were Romeo and Juliet in love or in lust?
  2. Is Romeo and Juliet a tragedy or a romance story?
  3. Do you think there is a theme of revenge in Romeo and Juliet? Can you cite references to support your opinion?
  4. Did Romeo deserve the punishment by the prince?
  5. Do you think it was best for Romeo and Juliet to die together? How would things have been different had they lived?

Evaluation Essays
Everything happens for a reason in literature, and as a scholar of literary works like Romeo and Juliet, you should be able to evaluate the story, its characters, and its scenes. Here is a list of possible evaluation essays you might want to write about Romeo and Juliet.

  1. Describe the first meeting between Romeo and Juliet
  2. What do you think was the cause of the tragic end to Romeo and Juliet?
  3. What lessons can be learned from this play?
  4. How does timing affect the outcomes in the play?
  5. Can you identify the main literary tool employed in the play?

Expository Essays
Exposition is the process of revealing the backstory to something, or an explanation of why things are the way they are. While they are related to evaluations, expositions are more specific, exploring the roles particular characters and entities play in a story, as well as society at large. Here are some expository essays you might want to write on Romeo and Juliet.

  1. Why is Romeo and Juliet more commonly called a love story than a tragedy?
  2. What led to the death of Mercutio?
  3. What role did Friar Laurence play in the outcome of the play?
  4. Do you think it would have been possible to avoid the deaths of the main characters at the end?
  5. What roles are played by the major characters in the play, such as Friar Laurence, the Prince, and the Nurse?

Comparative Essays
A comparative essay allows you to pit two sides of a coin against each other, and even pick a side if you want. You get to analyze both sides of an argument and come to a conclusion based on logic. Here are some interesting comparative essay topics for Romeo and Juliet.

  1. This play has been re-enacted many times, both on stage and in film. Which is your favorite and why? How does it compare to the original?
  2. Compare the power play depicted in the play to modern power plays. Compare and contrast the characters of Tybalt and Mercutio.
  3. Compare the story of Romeo and Juliet to The Titanic, pointing out both similarities and differences.
  4. Compare the love Romeo had for Juliet to the one he had for Rosaline.
  5. Compare the characters in Romeo and Juliet to those in Othello and Desdemona.

Literary Analyses
Literary analyses are a bit more technical than regular essays. You have to do a point-by-point breakdown of the given topic in an academic fashion. Here are some examples of literary analysis topics based on Romeo and Juliet.

  1. Analyze the roles played by female characters in the story.
  2. Analyze the role of destiny in the story.
  3. Can you defend allegations that the Capulets and Montagues are responsible for the tragic ending to the play?
  4. Analyze the different ways love is expressed in the story.
  5. How did actual events in Elizabethan England influence the events in the play?
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